MPSolve options
The program unisolve allows several options on its command
line. Here we report the main ones, a "*" in the following
list denotes the default value. All options can be given through the web
Goal: defines the main target of the computation
* isolate the roots: -Gi
approximate the roots: -Ga
count the roots: -Gc
Target set: chooses the set where roots are searched.
* all the complex plane: -Sa
left halfplane: -Sl
right halfplane: -Sr
upper halfplane: -Su
lower halfplane (down): -Sd
inside the unit disk: -Si
outside the unit disk: -So
real line: -SR
imaginary line: -SI
Automatic detection: extra targets
detect real roots: -Dr
detect imaginary roots: -Di
detect both: -Db
* do not detect: -Dn
Multiplicity detection: enables or disables multiplicity detection
detect multiplicity of roots: -M+
* do not detect multiplicity: -M-
Input/output precision: sets/overrides the input/output precision
number of maximum output digits of the roots -o# where
# is the number of digits (* the default
is 30)
number of input digits of the coefficients (override the file info) -i#
where # is the number of digits
Output format: specifies the way MPSolve outputs its results
* compact form: (re, im): -Oc
bare format: re \tab im: -Ob
"Gnuplot" low precision: re im: -Og
verbose: Root(i) = re + I im: -Ov
full: roots, error and status: -Of
the roots are written integrally with no filtering of the correct digits,
a guaranteed absolute error bound is provided,
the status of each root is displayed.
Debug: write auxiliary runtime information
to the standard error stream: -d
to the standard output: -d1
Parameters: allows to change the MPSolve internal parameters (see
the file mpsolve.tex for more information)
maximum number of packet iterations: -Lp#
maximum number of global iterations: -Li#
An example of usage is
unisolve -o1000 -Ga -SR my_poly
that computes at least 1000 digits of the real roots of my_poly, or
unisolve -o100000 -Gc -Si my_poly
> result
which counts the number of roots of my_poly inside the unit disk using
at most 100000 digits in order to decide if a root is in or out. The result
is written to the file "result".