MPSolve output
Output format
The output format is mainly controlled by the -Ox
command line option as follows (here re and im denote real
and imaginary parts of the root, respectively):
-Oc stands for compact form: (re,
. This is the default output format.
-Ob stands for bare format: re \tab im.
-Og stands for gnuplot format: re im.
Low precision suitable for input for gnuplot
-Ov stands for verbose form: Root(i)
= re ± I im.
-Of stands for full form: (re,
Error_Bound, Status
Output conventions
In order to give the user as much information as possible, the numbers
MPSolve outputs are formatted according to the following rules: (in the
following din and dout stand for the
given input precision and the requested output precision)
For infinite precision input, i.e., for din = 0, the
program delivers a list of complex numbers represented with at most dout
digits. For each number, the displayed digits coincide with the digits
of the corresponding roots of the input polynomial p(x).
The number of displayed digits reaches (or even may slightly exceed) the
maximum value dout only for those roots that coincide
at least in the first dout digits. Otherwise it is displayed
a number of digits sufficient to provide Newton-isolate approximations
of the roots. That is, the number of digits is large enough to separate
each root from the others and to guarantee the quadratic convergence of
Newton's iteration right from the start when applied to the output approximation.
For instance, for the polynomial having the following 5 roots 1.11111111,
1.12222222, 1.1233333, 1/3, 1/3, and for the parameters din
= 0 and dout = 30, the program would output the
(1.111, 0.0) (1.1222, 0.0) (1.12333, 0.0) (0.333333333333333333333333333333,
0.0) (0.333333333333333333333333333333, 0.0).
For input with a finite precision (din>0) the program
delivers a list of complex numbers having at most dout
digits as in the case of infinite precision. For each number z in
this list there exists a polynomial q(x) in the neighborhood
of p(x) (i.e. the set of polynomials with coefficients having
common digits with the corresponding coefficients of p(x))
such that q(z)=0. Moreover any polynomial in the neighborhood
of p(x) has a root which coincides with z in the displayed
digits. Each root of p(x) has its corresponding approximation
in the list.
In certain cases it may happen that the relative error bound of the computed
approximations is greater than 1, i.e., there is no correct bit in the
output. This situation typically occurs, when the imaginary (or real) part
of a nonzero root is zero or is such that its ratio with the real (imaginary)
part has modulus less than 10-dout. In this
case the program outputs 0.0exx, where xx is the
exponent of the approximation of this number. Therefore, an output like
0.0e-1000) means that the imaginary part, if nonzero, has a modulus
less than 10-1000. This lack of information is typical in numerical
computation when we have to deal with 0. Anyway, for polynomials having
coefficients with infinite precision, it is easy to overcome this lack
of information by using auxiliary information of the input like the reality
or integrality of the coefficients. This is performed automatically with
the option -Dx, where 'x' may be r
(real detect) i (imaginary detect) or b
(both real and imaginary detect). More options are also available (see
the options page).
The uncertainty about the zero output is present also in the case of polynomial
having approximate input coefficients. In fact, it may happen that the
root neighborhood of p(x) intersects zero. In this case the
program outputs 0.0 for those approximations belonging to the
connected component of the root neighborhood that intersects zero. However,
this (nonzero) approximations are reported integrally in the standard error
if the -d (debug) switch is set .
Status of the approximations
The status of each approximation is also output when the full output is
requested with the -Of option (see the options
The status of a root is formed by three characters:
The first character may take the following values:
m: multiple root
i: isolated root
a: approximated single root (relative error less than 10-dout)
o: approximated cluster of roots (relative error less than
c: cluster of roots not yet approximated (relative error
greater than 10-dout)
The second character may take the following values
R: real root
r: non-real root
I: imaginary root
i: non-imaginary root
w: uncertain real/imaginary root
z: non-real and non-imaginary root
The third character may take the following values
i: root in the set S
o: root out of S
u: root uncertain