MPSolve does not include the GMP package that can be downloaded from the URL
The package has been developed and fully tested with GMP versions 2.0.2 and 3.1.1; however, the former contains some known bugs which may lead to slow and badly formatted outputs. These errors can be fixed by applying some patches which can be downloaded from the above URL.
In order to create the executable file (unisolve) simply type:
makein the MPSolve directory. After a successful compilation, all unneeded object files and libraries can be removed by issuing:
make cleanFinally, the executable file can be tested with the command:
make checkwhich invokes unisolve on a simple polynomial.
unisolve options input_filewhere input_file is the name of the file holding the input polynomial (see the input format page) and options is the list of options and directives such as the goal of the computation, the requested output precision, the subset of the complex plane where the roots are sought and many others (see the options page).
If the input_file is missing then unisolve will read from the standard input stream (typically the keyboard).
The output format is ruled by some command line options and follows some conventions (see the output conventions page).