
Most of the software under current development is hosted on the page of the NumPI group on Github.

Numerical libraries and tools

      • CQT Toolbox: A toolbox for MATLAB implementing the arithmetic of finite and semi-infinite quasi-Toeplitz matrices (i.e., Toeplitz + low-rank corrections).

      • HM Toolbox: A toolbox for MATLAB implementing HODLR and HSS rank-structured arithmetic. The toolbox is under active development (especially the HSS part).

      • MPSolve 3: The new version of the MPSolve package for polynomial root approximation.

      • MPSolve 2.2: The older version of MPSolve, was released in 2001.

      • PGDoubling: A MATLAB package to solve algebraic Riccati equations and optimal control problems using permuted graph bases.

      • SMCSolver: A software tool to solve some classes of Markov Chains frequently encountered in queuing models.

    Scripts and numerical experiments

        • Rank Structured Hessenberg Reduction: A MATLAB toolbox implementing the rank structured Hessenberg reduction presented in the paper “Fast Hessenberg reduction of some rank structured matrices”, by L. Gemignani and L. Robol.

        • Secular linearization: Some Matlab scripts to reproduce the experiments in the paper “On a class of matrix pencils equivalent to a given matrix polynomial”.

        • StarSylv: A FORTRAN implementation of the solver for a system of $\top$-Sylvester equations described in the paper “Nonsingular systems of generalized Sylvester equations: an algorithmic approach”, by F. De Terán, B. Iannazzo, F. Poloni, L. Robol.

        • SQT: Quasi-Toeplitz matrices with a symmetric symbol. Software from the paper “On certain matrix algebras related to quasi-Toeplitz matrices”, by D.A. Bini and B. Meini.
        • MGM: Matrix Geometric Mean. Software from the paper “Computational aspects of the geometric mean of two matrices: a survey” by D.A. Bini and B. Iannazzo.

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